Need Resources? We Can Help

Natives in Tech believes in innovation and providing resources to those who want to support Native communities through technology. This is why we have the rfc repository.

RFC for using NiT Resources. Contribute to nativesintech/rfc development by creating an account on GitHub.

RFC stands for request for comment and it is an opportunity for those interested in developing technology but don't have the resources to make it happen. We want to provide  our resources such as Netlify, Digital Ocean, GitHub, Slack, and any other software we use to support your work in further building innovative software that impacts Native communities.

Don't feel too daunted by the task of coming up with a proposal, though. We don't want it to be something overly beaurcratic or difficult. This may change if we as an organization beging to feel the burden of covering the cost of hundreds of projects but we haven't hit that yet and most likely won't any time soon. For now we ask you 4 basic questions that you can answer in your pull request:

  • What does the software do and how does it support Native communities?
  • What services do you need (i.e. hosting, server, database)?
  • If you would like to use a paid service like Digital Ocean, what do you estimate the monthly cost would be?

These are pretty straightforward we hope and at the very least get you thinking about the type of infrastructure you need to build out your project for a production setting. Once you submit your pull request to the rfc repository, the Natives in Tech GitHub admins will begin to review and provide feedback on it. If the admins as a group think your project fits with the goals and initiatives of Natives in Tech, we will merge in your pull request and begin conversations of what next steps look like. We hope to resolve the status of your pull request, whether we accept or reject it, within a two week time period. Considering we are all volunteers, please be patient with us if we are slow to respond but don't hesitate to reach out to make sure it is on our radar.

We hope this provided more context as to what the rfc process is and what it can do to further along your innovative projects.

If you have any questions let us know over on our forum!